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The commencement of the new batch is always an exciting time full of hope and promise. This is the moment when students first arrive at TLF, meet and interact with individuals from various regions of Indonesia. The students at TLF are currently in the process of adapting to their new environment. They are enthusiastic about participating in all the activities and learning as much as possible.

A modest ceremony was held to commemorate the commencement of Batch 44, which was attended by both staff and students. The signboard of their home region serves as a symbol of pride, representing the local community.

Welcome to all!


Dimulainya angkatan baru selalu merupakan saat yang menyenangkan penuh harapan dan janji. Inilah momen pertama kali siswa tiba di TLF, bertemu dan berinteraksi dengan individu dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Para siswa di TLF saat ini sedang dalam proses beradaptasi dengan lingkungan barunya. Mereka antusias mengikuti semua kegiatan dan belajar sebanyak-banyaknya.

Upacara sederhana digelar dalam rangka memperingati dimulainya Angkatan 44 yang dihadiri oleh staf dan siswa. Papan nama daerah asal mereka menjadi simbol kebanggaan mewakili masyarakat setempat.

Selamat datang semuanya!


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