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We Finally meet the Amazing Dino, from Holland

We can never say enough nice things about this selfless young man, Dino. In 2021, Dino rode his bike the length of Europe, from Rotterdam in the Netherlands to Rome in Italy and back again, all in an effort to raise money for The Learning Farm. We appreciate his contribution of €2,000.

Unannounced, on November 17, 2022, this young man showed up at The Learning Farm. Everyone at TLF, from students to teachers to visitors, was thrilled to finally meet him. Dino spent two days talking to students about his time in the Netherlands and his work at agriculture sector. He explained that he gave his time to the TLF youth program because he wanted to one day work the land.


Kami tidak pernah bisa mengatakan cukup banyak hal baik tentang pemuda tanpa pamrih ini, Dino. Pada tahun 2021, Dino mengayuh sepedanya melintasi Eropa, dari Rotterdam di Belanda ke Roma di Italia dan kembali lagi, semuanya dalam upaya mengumpulkan uang untuk The Learning Farm. Kami menghargai kontribusinya sebesar €2.000.

Pada 17 November 2022, pemuda ini muncul di The Learning Farm. Semua orang di TLF, dari siswa hingga facilitator hingga pengunjung, sangat senang akhirnya bisa bertemu dengannya. Dino menghabiskan dua hari berbicara dengan siswa tentang waktunya di Belanda dan pekerjaannya didunia pertanian. Ia menjelaskan, ia memberikan waktunya untuk program pemuda TLF karena ingin suatu saat menggarap lahan.


The Learning Farm



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