Hurray! Finally, the government has declared the pandemic to be endemic in 2022. This means we can all move around more freely. We are also overjoyed because some of the volunteers who were hesitant to come to TLF now have the opportunity to share directly with TLF students. Of course, it's more enjoyable and effective. The volunteers' presence was also appreciated by the students, who felt that their presence at this time was critical to the world. They were ecstatic and rushed to ask the volunteers questions. They are frequently seen exchanging phone numbers to discuss further. As a keepsake, they also took a photo together.
Thank you for donating your time, knowledge, and energy to the volunteers. We recognize that this program has been able to continue to operate thanks to the generosity of volunteers.
Many thanks to our volunteers Iwan Pramana, Ikke Harjono, Harsono Hadipurwanto, Anti Widayanti, Price Waterhouse Cooper, Medco Foundation, KITA, Universitas Gunadarma, Mars Academy and Yayasan Teman Saling Berbagi.
Hore! akhirnya, pemerintah telah menyatakan pandemi akan menjadi endemic di tahun 2022. Artinya, kita semua bisa beraktivitas dengan lebih leluasa. Kami juga sangat gembira karena beberapa relawan yang tadinya ragu untuk datang ke TLF kini berkesempatan untuk berbagi langsung dengan siswa TLF. Tentu saja lebih menyenangkan dan efektif. Kehadiran para relawan juga diapresiasi oleh para siswa yang merasa bahwa kehadiran mereka saat ini sangat penting bagi dunia. Mereka sangat gembira dan bergegas untuk mengajukan pertanyaan kepada para relawan. Mereka sering terlihat saling bertukar nomor telepon untuk berdiskusi lebih lanjut. Sebagai kenang-kenangan, mereka pun berfoto bersama.
Terima kasih telah menyumbangkan waktu, ilmu, dan tenaganya untuk para relawan. Kami menyadari bahwa program ini dapat terus berjalan berkat kemurahan hati para relawan.
Terima kasih banyak kepada para relawan kami Iwan Pramana, Ikke Harjono, Harsono Hadipurwanto, Anti Widayanti, Price Waterhouse Cooper, Medco Foundation, KITA, Universitas Gunadarma, Mars Academy dan Yayasan Teman Saling Berbagi.