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The government has relaxed various health regulations as Covid-19 has begun to subside. However, vaccination must be used to alleviate the situation. Vaccinations are widely available. Many vaccine variants are available at the nearest local health centre, including Sinovac, Sinopharm, Pfizer Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Covovax (Novavax).

To keep students healthy, we schedule Booster vaccinations at the nearest local health center. However, it is not just a booster; there are still a small number of students who have not received the second vaccine, and they are encouraged to do so. The nearest Puskesmas is also very open to receiving vaccinations for TLF students. They provide a good and friendly service.

No side effects are too severe for those who have been vaccinated. Activities were carried out as usual. However, as a precaution, activities are restricted to students who have recently received their vaccination.

Stay Healthy!


Covid-19 sudah mulai mereda, pemerintah sudah melonggarkan berbagai aturan Kesehatan. Namun pelonggaran tersebut tentu saja harus dengan vaksinasi. Vaksin sudah mudah untuk didapatkan. Di puskesmas terdekat juga telah memiliki banyak varian vaksin seperti Sinovac, Sinopharm, Pfizer Jhonson & Jhonson, Astrazenea dan Covovax – Novavax.

Dalam rangka untuk menjaga Kesehatan siswa, kami menjadwalkan kegiatan vaksin di puskesmas terdekat untuk melakukan Booster. Tetapi tidak hanya booster saja, masih ada Sebagian kecil siswa yang belum melakukan vaksin ke 2, sehingga mereka di dorong untuk melakukan vaksin tersebut. Puskesmas terdekat juga sangat terbuka untuk menerima vaksinasi siswa TLF. Mereka melakukan pelayanan dengan baik dan ramah.

Tidak ada efek samping yang terlalu berat untuk mereka yang sudah di vaksin. Kegiatan dilakukan seperti biasanya. Namun untuk berjaga-jaga, kegiatan di longgarkan bagi siswa yang baru saja melakukan vaksin.

Stay Healthy!


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