This is a lucky time for batch 41 students because the covid pandemic has subsided and TLF has started to open up for new visitors and volunteers. After we started to open up access to information to a wide audience about the TLF program, there were many people interested to visit.
Kopi Sarongge shared knowledge about Agroforestry, the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta shared knowledge about Agricultural Product Marketing, Ichitus School talked about how to quit bad habits and Innergy helped our students build leadership attitudes from within themselves. And we also have individual volunteer a kind-hearted young man who volunteered to share his knowledge about Mycorrhiza with TLF students. He is Austin Ho who is still in high school at an international school in Jakarta (Jakarta Intercultural School). Greatest appreciation goes out to these new volunteers who are willing to share new knowledge and experience with The Learning Farm students.

Besides Volunteers, we also had a group of students who did a study tour at The Learning Farm. A total of approximately 40 Bogor Poltanbang students saw first-hand the agricultural process in TLF and the learning process of The Learning Farm students. During their visit, they were warmly welcomed by the GM Operations and Facilities of TLF and then continued to visit the TLF farm and Hydroponics area, the Green House and agricultural land that is being cultivated by TLF students.
Pandemi Mereda, TLF Terbuka Kembali
Di batch 41 ini adalah waktu beruntung untuk para siswa dimana pandemic covid sudah mereda dan TLF sudah mulai terbuka untuk visitor maupun voluntir baru yang datang. Setelah kami mulai membuka akses informasi dan memperluas informasi kepada khalayak luas tentang program TLF, ada banyak orang tertarik terhadap program TLF.
Adapun beberapa voluntir baru yang datang yaitu dari Kopi Sarongge yang berbagi pengetahuan tentang Agroforesty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta yang berbagi pengetahuan tentang Pemasaran Produk Pertanian lalu dari sekolah Ichitus tentang bagaimana berhenti dari kebiasaan buruk dan Innergy untuk membangun sikap kepemimpinan dalam diri. Apresiasi setinggi-tingginya untuk volunteer baru yang mau berbagi secara sukarela kepada siswa The Learning Farm.
Selain Volunteer kami juga kedatangan rombongan mahasiswa yang melakukan study banding ke The Learning Farm. Sebanyak kurang lebih 40 siswa Poltanbang Bogor melihat langsung proses pertanian yang ada di TLF disamping itu juga melihat proses belajar siswa-siswa The Learning Farm. Dalam sesi kunjungan mereka, diawali dengan ramah tamah yang disambut oleh GM Operations dan Facilities TLF lalu dilanjutkan mengunjungi area peternakan TLF dan Hidroponik TLF. Setelah dari Hidroponik para Mahasiswa melihat Green House dan lahan Pertanian yang di olah oleh Siswa TLF serta langsung berinteraksi dengan siswa TLF.