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The Kombucha Experience

Apart from TLF continuing to explore developments in agricultural science,  we are constantly introducing new ideas and processing techniques to our students. Kombucha results from the fermentation of a tea solution with sugar which is then added to starter microbes, namely Acetobacter xylinum bacteria and several yeasts, namely Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, and Candida sp. As a result of the fermentation process that occurs, this tea contains various substances such as acetic acid, folic acid, essential amino acids, vitamin B, vitamin C, and alcohol.

The taste of the kombucha is sour but refreshing. Kombucha tea also contains ingredients that have antibacterial benefits, improve intestinal microflora, improve the body's immune system, and lower blood pressure.


Percobaan Kombucha

Selain TLF yang terus mengeksplorasi perkembangan ilmu pertanian, kami juga terus memperkenalkan ide-ide baru dan teknik pengolahan kepada siswa kami. Kombucha merupakan hasil fermentasi larutan teh dengan gula yang kemudian ditambahkan mikroba starter yaitu bakteri Acetobacter xylinum dan beberapa khamir yaitu Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, dan Candida sp. Hasil dari proses fermentasi yang terjadi, teh ini mengandung berbagai zat seperti asam asetat, asam folat, asam amino esensial, vitamin B, vitamin C, dan alkohol.

Rasa kombuchanya asam namun menyegarkan. Teh kombucha juga mengandung bahan yang memiliki manfaat antibakteri, meningkatkan mikroflora usus, meningkatkan sistem imun tubuh, dan menurunkan tekanan darah.


The Learning Farm



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