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Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr

Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr are the moments most awaited by Muslim Indonesians.

Performing fasting for a full month, gathering together with family, and celebrating with friends is the usual routine. But this time it was different for some Muslim students who were studying at TLF as they had to celebrate while away from their families.

Though there were some emotional tears as they exchanged news with their families via telephone and video calls, it was a part of their journey towards independence. They grew closer through this process to their new family, namely the extended family of TLF.


Ramadan dan Idul Fitri adalah momen yang paling dinantikan oleh umat muslim Indonesia.

Menunaikan ibadah puasa sebulan penuh, berkumpul bersama keluarga, dan merayakan bersama sahabat adalah rutinitas yang biasa. Namun kali ini berbeda bagi sebagian mahasiswa muslim yang belajar di TLF karena harus merayakannya jauh dari keluarga.

Meskipun ada air mata emosional saat mereka bertukar kabar dengan keluarga mereka melalui panggilan telepon dan video, itu adalah bagian dari perjalanan mereka menuju kemerdekaan. Melalui proses ini mereka semakin dekat dengan keluarga barunya, yaitu keluarga besar TLF.


The Learning Farm



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