In June we were pleased to host a group of 100 employees from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), who graciously volunteered their time to engage in various community service initiatives for about three hours.
PwC is one of the largest public accounting firms in the world. They have been a partner and donor of TLF for most of the 18 years that we have been in existence.
The staff had a busy morning creating planting media for potted plants, planting crops in polybags, and cleaning the surrounding area. Some of them were seen harvesting the ready vegetables directly from the field, with the intention of purchasing and taking them home. They were absolutely thrilled to have had the incredible opportunity to witness first hand the meticulous process of cultivating plants at TLF.
We deeply appreciate how PwC staff consistently demonstrate their willingness to contribute and share their knowledge on the important topic of Job Search Skills. The lessons provide guidance on the initial steps of the job search process, such as creating a CV, composing a job application letter, and offering tips on effectively answering interview questions. The students were delighted as the class proved to be both engaging and beneficial for their learning.
Thank you, PwC, for your valuable contribution towards supporting the vulnerable youth in Indonesia.
Pada bulan Juni kami dengan senang hati menerima 100 karyawan dari PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), yang dengan senang hati menyumbangkan waktu mereka untuk terlibat dalam berbagai inisiatif layanan masyarakat selama sekitar tiga jam.
PwC adalah salah satu kantor akuntan publik terbesar di dunia. Mereka telah menjadi mitra dan donor TLF selama 18 tahun kami berada. Pagi harinya mereka sibuk membuat media tanam tanaman dalam pot, menanam tanaman di polibag, dan membersihkan area sekitar. Beberapa di antara mereka terlihat sedang memanen sayuran siap pakai langsung dari ladang, dengan tujuan untuk dibeli dan dibawa pulang. Mereka sangat senang mendapat kesempatan luar biasa untuk menyaksikan langsung proses budidaya tanaman yang cermat di TLF.
Kami sangat menghargai bagaimana staf PwC secara konsisten menunjukkan kesediaan mereka untuk berkontribusi dan berbagi pengetahuan mengenai topik penting Keterampilan Pencarian Kerja. Pelajaran ini memberikan panduan tentang langkah-langkah awal proses pencarian kerja, seperti membuat CV, menulis surat lamaran kerja, dan memberikan tip untuk menjawab pertanyaan wawancara secara efektif. Para siswa merasa senang karena kelas ini terbukti menarik dan bermanfaat bagi pembelajaran mereka.
Terima kasih, PwC, atas kontribusi berharga Anda dalam mendukung generasi muda yang rentan di Indonesia.