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PWC Donate 20 Laptops

TLF's computing curriculum is crucial. 60% of our students cannot use computers effectively. When asked "Can you type fluently using 10 fingers?”, most say they can only use two!

University of Gunadarma lecturers have been volunteering to help with every week, but our computers were too slow—booting took 15 minutes.

In response to this issue, ex-Board member Ibu Laksmi Djuwita help to connect to Price Waterhouse Coopers kindly donated 20 working laptops.

A warm and very sincere THANK YOU to our generous donors at PWC.


Kurikulum komputasi TLF sangat penting. 60% siswa kami tidak dapat menggunakan komputer secara efektif. Saat ditanya "Bisakah Anda mengetik dengan lancar menggunakan 10 jari?", kebanyakan mengatakan mereka hanya bisa menggunakan dua!

Dosen Universitas Gunadarma secara sukarela membantu setiap minggu, tetapi komputer kami terlalu lambat — booting membutuhkan waktu 15 menit.

Menanggapi masalah ini, mantan anggota Pembina Ibu Laksmi Djuwita membantu menghubungkan dengan Price Waterhouse Coopers dengan baik hati menyumbangkan 20 laptop kerja.

TERIMA KASIH yang hangat dan tulus kepada para donatur kami yang dermawan di PWC.


The Learning Farm



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