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Our Amazing Alumni, Ambrosius Lebre

Do you still remember Ambrosius Sobral Lebre, an alumnus of Batch 10 from Timor Leste who has an interesting story in his life journey?

An inspirational story that began when Ambross became a refugee and orphan in a foreign country because of the Timor Leste independence referendum. Currently, he works in a large seed company in Indonesia and has a wife and children. For him, TLF is very influential in his life, it is what completely changed everything for him, gave him hope and made his career.

Ambross’ valuable experiences were shared with TLF students so that they would stay positive and passionate about achieving their goals. Ambross rode his motorbike all the way from Lembang, Bandung to the farm in order to encourage his younger siblings who are studying at TLF. For two hours, he shared his stories and experiences and discussed together with the students.

“The students are enthusiastic and their motivated,” he said. “They will go far thanks to the guidance and nurturing atmosphere here at The Learning Farm.”

“The message for TLF is to keep working and be that wonderful bridge for underprivileged youth, forever!”

We shall try, Ambross. We promise!


Alumni kita memberikan semangat kepada siswa Batch 41

Masih ingat dengan Ambrosius Sobral Lebre, alumni batch 10 asal timor leste yang memiliki cerita menarik dalam perjalanan hidupnya?

Cerita inspiratif yang bermula saat Ambross menjadi seorang pengungsi dan yatim piatu di negara asing karena referendum kemerdekaan Timor Leste. Saat ini dia bekerja di sebuah perusahaan benih yang cukup besar di Indonesia juga telah memiliki istri dan anak. Bagi dia TLF sangat berpengaruh untuk kehidupannya saat ini termasuk karirnya.

Pengalaman berharga yang dimiliki para-alumni patut dibagikan kepada siswa TLF supaya siswa tetap bersemangat untuk menggapai cita-citanya. Ambross menaiki sepeda motornya dari Lembang-Bandung menuju TLF untuk memberikan semangat kepada adik-adiknya yang sedang belajar di TLF. Selama dua jam, dia berbagi cerita dan pengalamannya serta berdiskusi Bersama dengan para siswa.

“Siswa antusias dan termotivasi,” katanya. “Mereka akan melangkah jauh berkat bimbingan dan suasana pengasuhan di sini di The Learning Farm.”

”Pesan untuk TLF tetap berkarya dan tetap menjadi jembatan untuk anak-anak yang kurang mampu.

Kami akan mencoba, Ambross. Kami berjanji!


The Learning Farm



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