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Induction for Batch 43

During their first week, the new batch of 43 students took part in a series of induction activities at TLF.

This is an introduction to TLF for students. They got familiar with the location, facilities, rules, and also the activity plan for the next five months.

It is natural that at first the students feel homesick. There are many new things that they do at TLF such as life habits or farming methods. “In the early weeks, we all felt like wanting to back home. But after getting used to it here, it turns out that it's fun here and full of very good knowledge,” said Ira, a student from Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara.


Selama minggu pertama, siswa baru yang berjumlah 43 orang ini mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan induksi di TLF.

Ini adalah pengantar TLF untuk siswa. Mereka mengenal lokasi, fasilitas, aturan, dan juga rencana kegiatan untuk lima bulan ke depan.

Wajar jika pada awalnya siswa merasa rindu rumah. Banyak hal baru yang mereka lakukan di TLF seperti kebiasaan hidup atau cara bercocok tanam. “Pada minggu-minggu awal, kami semua merasa ingin kembali ke rumah. Tapi setelah terbiasa di sini, ternyata di sini asyik dan penuh dengan ilmu yang sangat bagus,” tutur Ira, mahasiswa asal Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat.


The Learning Farm



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