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Goodbyes are not the End, but the Beginning of a new Journey

Nilakshan, who was presented Best Student, the first refugee from all our batches to earn this honor

Batch 42 concluded its activities at The Learning Farm after five full months. They had a great time on their last day. During this graduation activity, they presented several of their own art performances, including poetry readings, traditional dances, and emotional songs. Even though the graduation activities are simple, these are the kinds of meaningful activities they will not be able to repeat with their friends once they return to their respective areas.

This marks the beginning of a new chapter in their life and the start of their journey. On the day of their graduation, they promised to be better persons in the future.

Best wishes to everyone in BATCH 42!


Batch 42 mengakhiri kegiatannya di The Learning Farm setelah lima bulan penuh. Mereka bersenang-senang di hari terakhir mereka. Dalam kegiatan wisuda ini, mereka menampilkan beberapa penampilan seni mereka sendiri, antara lain pembacaan puisi, tarian tradisional, dan lagu-lagu emosional. Meski kegiatan wisuda itu sederhana, namun kegiatan yang penuh makna ini tidak akan bisa mereka ulangi bersama teman-temannya begitu kembali ke daerah masing-masing.

Ini menandai awal babak baru dalam hidup mereka dan awal perjalanan mereka. Di hari kelulusan mereka, mereka berjanji akan menjadi orang yang lebih baik di masa depan.

Harapan terbaik untuk semua orang di BATCH 42!


The Learning Farm



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