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Most recently, we organized a recreation to lift the students' spirits. In a mountainous area with views and fresh air, we camped for two days and one night. The location was Sukawangi Highland Puncak 2 in Bogor.

When students wake up in the morning and emerge from their tents, they are greeted by a green valley filled with vegetable gardens planted by residents. The piercing scent of grass can also make the lungs hesitant to breathe in urban pollution.

We also avoid activities that are overly restrictive, such as living in a dormitory, in these activities. They spend their vacation time playing games and singing together at night. Among those smiles, the hope of success is woven in front of their eyes after they graduate from The Learning Farm.


Kemarin kami baru saja mengadakan rekreasi untuk merefresh semangat para siswa. Kami melakukan kemping 2 hari semalam di daerah pegunungan yang memiliki pemandangan dan udara yang segar. Lokasinya ada di Sukawangi Highland Puncak 2 Bogor.

Saat siswa bangun pagi dan keluar dari tenda mereka, mereka di hadapkan dengan lembah hijau dengan perkebunnan sayuran warga sekitar. Aroma rerumputan yang menusuk hidung pun dapat membuat paru-paru enggan menghirup polusi perkotaan.

Dalam kegiatan tersebut, kami juga tidak membuat kegiatan yang terlalu ketat seperti para sisqa berada di asrama. Mereka menikmati waktu liburan mereka dengan games dan bernyanyi bersama di malam hari. Diantara senyuman-senyuman itu, terajut harapan sukses di depan mata setelah mereka lulus dari The Learning Farm.


The Learning Farm



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