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When invited to go on a field trip to several intriguing locations around TLF, Batch 43 students were overjoyed. This field trip is not solely focused on recreation; we are also seeking places that provide learning resources and materials. The combination of learning and playing is highly effective for absorbing information. We went to Cipanas Presidential Palace, where we learned about the country's history, and Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, where we learned about nature conservation.

The students enjoyed the trip and were eager to learn more. They asked about the condition of the nature reserves in their respective areas, which led to an intriguing dialogue and discussion.

Following our visit and educational experience, we were able to unwind at Mandala Wangi Nature Park. We appreciated the beauty of nature and had our lunch there.


Saat diajak field trip ke beberapa lokasi menarik di sekitar TLF, Siswa Angkatan 43 pun bergembira. Kunjungan lapangan ini tidak hanya terfokus pada rekreasi; kami juga mencari tempat yang menyediakan sumber dan materi belajar. Kombinasi belajar dan bermain sangat efektif dalam menyerap informasi. Kami pergi ke Istana Kepresidenan Cipanas, tempat kami belajar sejarah negara, dan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, tempat kami belajar tentang konservasi alam.

Para siswa menikmati perjalanan ini dan bersemangat untuk belajar lebih banyak. Mereka menanyakan kondisi cagar alam di wilayahnya masing-masing, sehingga terjadi dialog dan diskusi yang menarik.

Setelah kunjungan dan pengalaman edukasi, kami dapat bersantai di Taman Alam Mandala Wangi. Kami menghargai keindahan alam dan makan siang di sana.


The Learning Farm



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