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Agroforestry at the Sarongge Plantation

Students are listening to an explanation of agroforestry from Bapak Tosca di Sarongge
Students are listening to an explanation of agroforestry from Bapak Tosca di Sarongge

In October 2024, Batch 46 students participated in agroforestry learning at Sarongge Plantation in Cianjur, in collaboration with local farmers. The 38-hectare plantation, located at 1,000-1,600 meters above sea level, offers ideal conditions for growing Arabica coffee. The agroforestry method, combining forest and vegetable gardens, produces coffee with a distinctive, fresh flavor, medium body, and gentle acidity.

During the visit, students were given insights into agroforestry principles by Mr. Tosca, a representative from Sarongge. They also engaged in hands-on activities such as planting, weeding, and installing supports for young coffee plants. The visit concluded with enjoying a cup of Sarongge Arabica coffee as a reward for their hard work. _____

Pada Oktober 2024, siswa Batch 46 mengikuti pembelajaran agroforestri di Kebun Sarongge di Cianjur, bekerja sama dengan petani lokal. Kebun seluas 38 hektar yang terletak pada ketinggian 1.000-1.600 meter di atas permukaan laut ini menawarkan kondisi ideal untuk menanam kopi Arabika. Metode agroforestri, yang menggabungkan hutan dan kebun sayur, menghasilkan kopi dengan rasa khas, segar, tubuh sedang, dan keasaman yang lembut.

Selama kunjungan, para siswa diberi wawasan tentang prinsip-prinsip agroforestri oleh Bapak Tosca, perwakilan dari Sarongge. Mereka juga terlibat dalam kegiatan praktis seperti menanam, mencabut rumput, dan memasang penopang untuk tanaman kopi muda. Kunjungan diakhiri dengan menikmati secangkir kopi Arabika Sarongge sebagai penghargaan atas kerja keras mereka.



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